Free Sign Ups for the
Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration
Organized by Karen @ Tots and Me
There will be 1 Winner.
Prize Package is valued at approximately $340
(there may still be some additions).
You can see the full list of prizes here.
Signups Close August 14th, 2014
Giveaway Dates: August 17th-31st
Open to US residents
Open to US residents
You will get a free Facebook link for participating. You must post the giveaway on August 17th and promote 3 times a week.
You can opt to get your choice of second link (Twitter or Pinterest) for posting the announcement post on your blog.
Co-host spots are available for $10. You will get three links (Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) plus a comment link (to a non-giveaway post). Co-hosts will also be listed on the Giveaway image and have a back-link in the Giveaway post.
All Co-host money will go toward a Amazon Gift Card or Paypal prize (winner's choice).
Co-host spots, with the same benefits, will also be given if you choose to supply a prize, of at least $10, to the prize package. You will be responsible for shipping the prize to the winner.
So glad you could join in. Thanks for sharing.